There are many reasons for companies to deal with the topic of workplace health promotion. More and more people have their workplace in the office. Meanwhile, over 80% of German employees sit at least 6 hours a day. 58% of them take two to five breaks a day due to symptoms such as restlessness, exhaustion, pain and dizziness. The so-called "sedentary illness", actually a collective term for various ailments that have their cause in physical inactivity, can add up to considerable health risks in the long term.
In the best case, prolonged sitting is associated with musculoskeletal disorders and chronic back pain, in the worst case with an increased risk of death. The knowledge about this problem is actually widespread, but nothing much changes. At the same time, employers should also keep an eye on the health factor in their calculations, as the cost of illness for employees now accounts for 10 to 15 % of global economic output. Back pain is the most common cause of incapacity to work for men in Germany.

Back pain costs the economy a lot of money!
What begins with slight pain in the lumbar spine adds up to a total of 70 million days of absence (dark figure for self-employed persons, as they continue to work until it is no longer possible). The BellyChair is a piece of sports equipment that can be used during work. Various positive factors of the BellyChair have emerged from experiences within a project within the framework of workplace health promotion. The peculiar sitting posture that the BellyChair imposes on the user ensures that the back needs to be supported by the muscles like on no other chair. The high-quality rollers motivate the user to move on (or with) the BellyChair.
In a department this chair can also be shared between several employees. In the beginning (2-4 weeks), test persons stated that they could spend a maximum of 30 minutes per day on this device, only after that the dwell times were extended. Employers who want to keep their employees fit in the long term as part of their workplace health promotion must make them offers that are beneficial to their health. However, a comfortable chair is not enough here, as this does not solve the main problem. Only the BellyChair enables the active use of the back muscles during work. This makes the BellyChair an effective component of workplace health promotion.
The BellyChair changes the working attitude of the employees

Contact is made through physiotherapists who advise companies on workplace health promotion. Here, the BellyChairs are presented and the correct sitting of employees is coached. The physiotherapists convey the necessary knowledge in seminars.
With the BellyChair, sitting during work becomes a sporting activity without losing any working time. The "BellyChair" is an excellent instrument for workplace health promotion.